Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Publishing Industry and New Media

IMPACT. Examine a particular area / discipline in which the new media have had an impact. It can be an area you are particularly interested in - say your major, or your hobby. How have the new media affected this area? How is this area likely to be affected in the near future?

My project will be researching the ways in which the publishing industry has been affected by new media. The publishing industry covers a wide range of publications like magazines, books, and news papers just to name a few. The introduction of new media and technology has forced the industry to evolve or they run the risk of becoming obsolete The introduction of e-readers, tablets, and digital media has each impacted the industry and will continue to evolve as new technology emerges. Publishers have to be at the top of their game and keep a watchful eye on the changes in new technology and media and be willing to change. Consumers have also undergone a change that has affected they way  publishers are reaching and marketing to different demographics. All these changes have impacted the publishing industry in major ways and will continue to do so in the near future.