Sunday, April 30, 2017

Wiki So Far

So far I have contributed to the Social Media page where I discussed Instagram. I do plan on adding more information on this page and write about other popular social media apps.  I also plan on contributing to the Entertainment page as well since it's one of the topics I'm interested in.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017


File sharing is the ability to transmit files like music, movies,books or any document through the internet. It's the quickest way share files with your friends or colleagues.
P2p or peer to peer sharing allows users to share files with each other when they are on the same network. Like file sharing they can share music,books and documents but it's much more specific to a particular site.
In the article "Content Producers should take Advantage of P2P, not fear it." You learn about one for of P2P decimated toward the sharing of a film. Jamie King produced a movie and released through a P2P site to see if it could be successful way of releasing films and it proved to be very successful. Her film was downloaded 3 million times and viewed 2 million times. They used Bit torrent for their main distribution but other sharing sites like Digg, Slash hog also shared the film adding to its success.

Monday, April 24, 2017


In this post, discuss how the issues of privacy and confidentiality are related to new media. 

With the rise of new media there has been as many cons as there has pros. The rise of social media and individuals sharing every aspect of their lives on there is a lot of questions about privacy. Social media sites like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook promise to protect their users privacy but we have also seen how those promises can't always be fulfilled.  

There are companies that collect your information that you share and sell that to companies to use for the advertisements for their products.  Facebook has developed tools to protect their users privacy but even Randi Zuckerberg's privacy couldn't be protect. This just emphasizes the fact that your privacy can't be 100% guaranteed and you should always think twice before you post something on the web. Take all the precautions to secure your social media pages but be aware that may not always work. 


  One suggestion I would make to Baruch College would be to take advantage of Social Media. 
College students heavily rely on social media to connect with friends and stay up to date with worldwide new feeds. In college it's easy to get lost in it all and it's easy to feel isolated when everyone is speeding through the day. With Baruch using social media they would be better able to connect with students and learn what they wish to see in their school. The can also help students connect with each other and help form a community that is proud to be at Baruch college. 
Students would also be much more aware of events happening on their campus if the college promoted it on social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat or Facebook. They could also use social media site to attract more students by showing all the things that make Baruch college the right school for them.