Monday, April 24, 2017


In this post, discuss how the issues of privacy and confidentiality are related to new media. 

With the rise of new media there has been as many cons as there has pros. The rise of social media and individuals sharing every aspect of their lives on there is a lot of questions about privacy. Social media sites like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook promise to protect their users privacy but we have also seen how those promises can't always be fulfilled.  

There are companies that collect your information that you share and sell that to companies to use for the advertisements for their products.  Facebook has developed tools to protect their users privacy but even Randi Zuckerberg's privacy couldn't be protect. This just emphasizes the fact that your privacy can't be 100% guaranteed and you should always think twice before you post something on the web. Take all the precautions to secure your social media pages but be aware that may not always work. 

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