Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Next New

Something new that might be able to come to fruition in the future could be the creation of new technology that will lead to hover boards. At the moment you have hover boards that have to be touching the ground to work and require electrical charging. In the future with new tehcnology someone might be able to create hover boards that hover above the ground and use solar energy to charge itself.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Wiki So Far

So far I have contributed to the Social Media page where I discussed Instagram. I do plan on adding more information on this page and write about other popular social media apps.  I also plan on contributing to the Entertainment page as well since it's one of the topics I'm interested in.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017


File sharing is the ability to transmit files like music, movies,books or any document through the internet. It's the quickest way share files with your friends or colleagues.
P2p or peer to peer sharing allows users to share files with each other when they are on the same network. Like file sharing they can share music,books and documents but it's much more specific to a particular site.
In the article "Content Producers should take Advantage of P2P, not fear it." You learn about one for of P2P decimated toward the sharing of a film. Jamie King produced a movie and released through a P2P site to see if it could be successful way of releasing films and it proved to be very successful. Her film was downloaded 3 million times and viewed 2 million times. They used Bit torrent for their main distribution but other sharing sites like Digg, Slash hog also shared the film adding to its success.

Monday, April 24, 2017


In this post, discuss how the issues of privacy and confidentiality are related to new media. 

With the rise of new media there has been as many cons as there has pros. The rise of social media and individuals sharing every aspect of their lives on there is a lot of questions about privacy. Social media sites like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook promise to protect their users privacy but we have also seen how those promises can't always be fulfilled.  

There are companies that collect your information that you share and sell that to companies to use for the advertisements for their products.  Facebook has developed tools to protect their users privacy but even Randi Zuckerberg's privacy couldn't be protect. This just emphasizes the fact that your privacy can't be 100% guaranteed and you should always think twice before you post something on the web. Take all the precautions to secure your social media pages but be aware that may not always work. 


  One suggestion I would make to Baruch College would be to take advantage of Social Media. 
College students heavily rely on social media to connect with friends and stay up to date with worldwide new feeds. In college it's easy to get lost in it all and it's easy to feel isolated when everyone is speeding through the day. With Baruch using social media they would be better able to connect with students and learn what they wish to see in their school. The can also help students connect with each other and help form a community that is proud to be at Baruch college. 
Students would also be much more aware of events happening on their campus if the college promoted it on social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat or Facebook. They could also use social media site to attract more students by showing all the things that make Baruch college the right school for them. 

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Creativity and New Media

For this assignment I made I made a YouTube video where I used iMovie software to edit and then share my video on YouTube.


New media has allowed individuals to experiment and play around with many different mediums and create their own special content. This is explained in the New Yorker article where it discuses the popularity and the creation of mashups. Mashups are when people combine songs either lyrics or melody and create a whole new song. The mashups can combine songs from completely different genres and artists you wouldn't think to combine but when put together it is unexpected but sought after. This shows the creativity that these individuals have because they deconstruct songs and put pieces together of the song they imagine sounds good.  Mashups are becoming more popular and artist are taking notice in the way their songs are being rewritten and the people that create these mashups are being noticed as well.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual Worlds has been around for awhile but it has really taken off in recent years. Virtual worlds can be useful for education, delivery services as well as telehealthcare. Virtual worlds provides a social connection for individuals that is more life like. Some of the pros is that you get to interact with other individuals in a setting that is very much real especially with the use of avatars. Games like MineCraft which has a lot of younger consumers are able to foster their creativity. Some of the cons is that Virtual Worlds are constantly changing and involving so there isn't regulations established. Like previously mentioned a lot of young consumers use these sites and they could potentially interact with dangerous people. Virtual Worlds are created from one's imagination and there is no limit to what you want to do with your world. This helps foster creativity and allows users to express themselves and engages them in designing.  The future of Virtual Worlds is limitless and constantly changing. With introduction of new software and technology these worlds will always offer something new.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Blog about Twitter

I definitely prefer an in class discussion rather than a Twitter or Blackboard discussion. On Twitter it's to hectic and hard to keep track of new tweets. You have to make sure you know the hastag you're using and complicates the process. While Blackboard is easier than Twitter I would still prefer in class becuase I feel it would make a greater impact and better place to hear opinions.

Social networking sites


Twitter was the first social media I joined way back in 2009 and the reason I still use it to this this day is the speed in which you received information. Twitter's popularity is worldwide so you can also interact with people around the world. You can interact with your favorite celebrities, businesses or simply follow people that out out content you enjoy. The use of # can also show you what a trending topic is and you can even create your own. You can make your twitter very personal where you share your thoughts and opinions. You just have to be careful with the information you share. Businesses and individuals use twitter to interact with their consumers and further establish their brand.


Facebook was one of the leading social media platforms and it's still popular but it's definitely taken a back seat to other platforms. Facebook is a place where you can keep your friends and family up to date with what your doing. At its start it was aimed towards college students to interact with one another. It grew to have millions of users worldwide and became one of the most popular social media sites. But in recent years many have stopped using it because of privacy issues and because of the increase of adults using it. Before Facebook was a place where mostly teens used it but now you can find your parents, grandparents are all using Facebook. It just not as fun to use Facebook because you have to be careful of who can see your post. 


Instagram is a platform where you can share pictures and videos with your followers. Your profile can be personal or business related. Many business and celebrities use Instagram since it allows them to keep consumers up to date with what they are doing. The latest updates on the platform allows you to put of stories that stay for 24 hours and you can also go live. This platform allows you to be very creative with the content you choose to share and it does allow you to edit pictures and videos.


Snapchat is a platform that allows you to share stories of 15 sec videos or pictures that stay up for 24 hours and disappear after that time frame. Businesses and Celebrties also use this platform to share information about their products or projects. It has numerous filters which is what widen its appeal. This is my least favorite platform which is why I rarely use it.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Blog Social Media Networking

Social Media can be used by businesses to expand their reach and acquire new customers. By having a larger reach you are increasing your brand awareness and increase web traffic. Many social media platforms also offer insights which allows you to track how popular your brand may be. Social media also allows businesses to share content quicker and for a cheaper price. Especially in this day and age many individuals rely heavily on social media for information. Running ads on these platforms are much more beneficial then it is to run one in a new paper or t.v commercial. The advantage of social media for businesses is that it allows them to connect with their customers in a more efficient and quick way. If the experience by the customer a good one then there is a higher possibility that they will stay loyal to your business. This would also allows businesses to see feedback from customers and then they can see in what way they are lacking and take the steps to improve.
The "dark side"  to social media is the issues that arise in regards to privacy. Social media has become part of our daily lives that sometimes we forget about the risks it carries. For business or individuals the worst thing that an happen is to be hacked. A hackers that release content or false information that can damage their reputation in a matter of posts. Social Media also offers individuals a wealth of information in regard to an individual and that could lead to serious consequences like identity theft. As much as social media is helpful you also have to be very careful with what you share.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Blogs vs. Wiki

Blogs and Wiki both allow individuals to share and present information on what ever topic they feel is important.

At it's start a blog was used as a journal where people were able to share information about their day. The ease and simplicity of a log to share opinions, thoughts, news is what brought people to use that specific platform. They became so popular that entrepreneurs saw its potential to expand their reach and help promote their businesses. Blogs are updated frequently with content and can track social engagement. A blog represents the individual that has created it and by staying on trend and catering to a target market.

A wiki can have many pages which allows individuals to work collaboratively to edit and add content on a specific topic. Many turn to wiki because they have complied information that you would otherwise have to search for in one place. While this is very helpful it is also unreliable because any  person edit a wiki page.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Publishing Industry and New Media

IMPACT. Examine a particular area / discipline in which the new media have had an impact. It can be an area you are particularly interested in - say your major, or your hobby. How have the new media affected this area? How is this area likely to be affected in the near future?

My project will be researching the ways in which the publishing industry has been affected by new media. The publishing industry covers a wide range of publications like magazines, books, and news papers just to name a few. The introduction of new media and technology has forced the industry to evolve or they run the risk of becoming obsolete The introduction of e-readers, tablets, and digital media has each impacted the industry and will continue to evolve as new technology emerges. Publishers have to be at the top of their game and keep a watchful eye on the changes in new technology and media and be willing to change. Consumers have also undergone a change that has affected they way  publishers are reaching and marketing to different demographics. All these changes have impacted the publishing industry in major ways and will continue to do so in the near future.